Monitor Bandwidth with SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer 

calendar_today   MARCH 14, 2024
SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer
SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer (NTA) is a powerful tool designed to provide comprehensive insights into network traffic patterns and behaviours. In today's interconnected digital landscape, where network performance and security are paramount, having a robust traffic analysis solution like SolarWinds NTA is essential for businesses of all sizes.

Understanding NetFlow Traffic Analyzer  

NetFlow is a networking protocol developed by Cisco to gather information about IP traffic and track network flow. It provides insights into the volume and pattern of network traffic. NetFlow operates in a one-way manner, meaning it monitors traffic as it flows through the network. This allows for efficient analysis of traffic patterns. SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer (NTA) is a robust and cost-effective solution for managing NetFlow data. It offers comprehensive monitoring tools that translate detailed data into easy-to-understand graphs and reports. This helps identify bandwidth-intensive activities within the network more effectively.
NetFlow data offers crucial insights into network traffic and usage. To monitor NetFlow effectively, a designated device acting as a flow exporter gathers data packets, organizes them into flows, and forwards flow records to one or multiple NetFlow collection servers. These collectors store and process the data records, facilitating analysis. Through this process, it becomes possible to identify details such as the origins and destinations of specific flow records, sources of congestion, and other pertinent information.
SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer

Key Features of SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer

SolarWinds NTA offers a wide range of features to help organizations effectively manage their network infrastructure. 

VMware vSphere Distributed Switch (VDS) Support

Gain comprehensive visibility into east-west VM traffic within the VMware vSphere Distributed Switch (VDS) fabric. This feature empowers IT professionals to monitor and manage workloads effectively, minimizing service impacts during workload migration.

Integration With SolarWinds IP Address Manager (IPAM)

Seamlessly integrate with SolarWinds IP Address Manager (IPAM) to leverage existing IP groups within the NetFlow Traffic Analyzer (NTA) environment. This integration facilitates efficient traffic monitoring by allowing users to reference IP groups and create custom applications. Additionally, enhanced flow alerting with IP group and endpoint filters ensures proactive detection and response to network anomalies.

Cisco Meraki MX/Z Series Support

Harness the power of Cisco Meraki MX/Z Series support to visualize traffic flows and optimize bandwidth utilization in wireless environments. By exporting traffic flows from routers, switches, and firewalls, users can gain deeper insights into network performance and streamline bandwidth management.

Network Insight for Palo Alto Networks

Network Insight for Palo Alto Networks enhances network visibility by collecting flow data from Palo Alto firewalls. This feature provides detailed insights into traffic flow through nodes and interfaces, empowering network administrators to optimize firewall configurations and ensure network security.

Azure SQL Database Deployment Option

SolarWinds NTA offers flexible deployment options with Azure SQL Database, enabling users to deploy NTA either on-premises or in the cloud. This scalability allows organizations to adapt to changing infrastructure requirements and efficiently manage network traffic analysis.

Local Traffic Data

Enhance visibility into local traffic patterns by capturing traffic data sourced from and destined to the flow data server. This feature enables users to quickly characterize local traffic and identify potential bottlenecks or anomalies within the network.
SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer

Bandwidth Utilization Monitoring

  • Bandwidth Threshold Alerting: Receive instant notifications and detailed reports when interface bandwidth utilization exceeds predefined thresholds. This proactive alerting mechanism ensures timely response to network congestion or performance degradation.
  • Bandwidth Usage by IP Groups: Analyze network traffic using custom IP address groups to gain insights into traffic patterns and behavior. By categorizing traffic based on IP groups, users can effectively monitor specific network segments and detect anomalous activities.

  • Bandwidth Usage by Application: Identify bandwidth-intensive applications and track their traffic patterns based on designated ports, source IPs, destination IPs, and protocols. This granular visibility enables efficient bandwidth management and optimization.

Network Traffic Monitoring and Forensics

  • Traffic Analysis Dashboard: Customize network traffic views on a single dashboard to quickly identify potential issues. Top-ten views provide at-a-glance insights, while an intuitive interface allows for easy root cause analysis and troubleshooting.
  • Network Traffic Forensics: Drill down into traffic data to investigate excessive bandwidth utilization or unexpected application traffic. Multiple views and analysis tools empower administrators to isolate and resolve network issues effectively.

  • Cross-Stack Network Data Correlation: Accelerate problem resolution by correlating network performance metrics across different layers of the network stack. This feature enables administrators to identify and address issues affecting overall network performance.

CBQoS Performance Views

Evaluate network traffic segmented by Class of Service (CoS) methods and assess the effectiveness of CBQoS policies. This feature allows users to quantify bandwidth consumption by class map and optimize network resource allocation.

Port 0 Monitoring

Monitor TCP/UDP traffic directed to port 0 to identify potentially intrusive or unauthorized traffic flows. This capability enhances network security by detecting and mitigating suspicious activities.

Autonomous System Traffic Analysis

Gain visibility into traffic routed through ISP connections to monitor network performance and ensure efficient utilization of internet resources.

Flow-Based Monitoring and Reporting

  • Multi-Vendor Device Support: Analyze flow data from a wide range of vendors, including Cisco, Palo Alto Networks, HP, Juniper, Huawei, and more. This comprehensive support ensures compatibility with diverse network infrastructures and devices.
  • Top-Talker Optimization: Identify and prioritize flows representing the majority of bandwidth usage, optimizing performance and resource allocation within the network.

  • Flow Navigator: Build complex filters to analyze network traffic data more efficiently and derive actionable insights.

  • Flow-Based Reporting: Create detailed network traffic reports effortlessly or schedule automatic report delivery to streamline network monitoring and management processes.

  • Alert on Flow: Receive real-time alerts for sudden changes in application traffic, enabling prompt detection and remediation of network issues.

SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer

What are the Benefits?

  • SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer collects and analyzes flow data from various vendors, offering comprehensive insights into network traffic patterns and behaviors.
  • By monitoring for suspicious activities and identifying potential security threats, SolarWinds NTA enhances cybersecurity posture, alerting organizations to changes in application traffic and detecting malicious or malformed traffic.
  • Insights provided by SolarWinds NTA into bandwidth usage and application performance enable organizations to plan and allocate resources effectively, optimizing network resources for maximum efficiency.
  • SolarWinds NTA aids in identifying performance issues, troubleshooting connectivity problems, and optimizing network resources to ensure smooth operations and maximum performance.
  • NTA seamlessly integrates with other SolarWinds products, such as the Orion Platform, providing a comprehensive network management solution.
  • NTA supports advanced application recognition with Cisco NBAR2, allowing for more granular visibility into application traffic and behavior.
  • SolarWinds NTA includes WLC (Wireless LAN Controller) network traffic analysis, providing visibility into wireless bandwidth usage and helping organizations manage their wireless networks effectively. 

Ending Notes

SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer is a versatile tool that provides valuable insights into network traffic patterns, application performance, and security threats. By leveraging SolarWinds NTA, organizations can enhance their network visibility, optimize resource allocation, and strengthen their cybersecurity posture.