Collection: SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor

SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor

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SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor

SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor (NPM) is a crucial component of the SolarWinds Orion Platform, which serves as a comprehensive infrastructure monitoring and management solution. Its primary aim is to simplify IT administration for various environments, including on-premises, hybrid, and SaaS setups, by providing a unified and user-friendly interface for monitoring and managing your network infrastructure.


  • Unified dashboard interface.
  • Smart, interactive mapping.
  • Comprehensive event correlation for seamless issue resolution.
  • Monitoring across both public and private clouds.
  • Adaptable and expandable system structure.
  • Streamlined alert management and comprehensive reporting.


Is SolarWinds Orion open source?

No. It is not open source software.

What is Orion used for?

It can help you accomplish infrastructure management and monitoring by providing superior device integration for your setting as well as unique integrated features that allow customers to connect the dots and solve problems with accuracy and speed at a low cost.