Upgrade to SolarWinds Additional Polling Engine for SolarWinds Unlimited Licenses (Standard Polling Throughput) - Subscription Upgrade (Expires on same day as existing Subscription)

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SKU: 107121
Regular price $13,532.48 USD inc. Taxes
  • Description
  • Description
  • The SolarWinds Orion Platform is a powerful, scalable infrastructure monitoring and management platform designed to simplify IT administration for on-premises, hybrid, and software as a service (SaaS) environment in a single pane of glass. There’s no need to struggle with multiple incompatible point monitoring products, as the Orion Platform consolidates the full suite of monitoring capabilities into one platform with cross stack integrated functionality.


    Highly scalable and high availability architecture underpinning installed modules:

    Whether you’re an SMB or a large distributed corporate outfit, the SolarWinds Orion Platform can be sized and tailored to meet your needs. In larger environments, you can choose to install additional polling engines at multiple locations, which means users can scale to potentially one million network elements as of the release of 2020.2. Data from multiple SolarWinds Orion Platform servers can also be consolidated into the Enterprise Operations Console (EOC) in large deployments. Additionally, the Orion Platform can be installed in a high availability configuration, benefitting all the installed modules with this enterprise-ready protection.

    Easy to deploy, upgrade, and use:

    The Orion Platform offers several deployment possibilities: it can be installed on-premises, in the cloud (Microsoft® Azure® and AWS®), or in a hybrid fashion. The initial SolarWinds Orion Platform installation usually takes less than an hour. As such, the installation is wizard-driven and intended to be easy. Unlike other platforms, it doesn’t require time-intensive and expensive services to install. Many of the Orion Platform modules come with a rich set of out-of-the-box capabilities.



    The Orion Platform is a platform from a single vendor, and it delivers central visibility, correlated data, and control through a tightly integrated experience in a single pane of glass.


    Performance issues can be some of the most challenging. Where the symptoms manifest may have no bearing on the root cause of the issue. With the AppStack feature, you can see the application, all the underlying layers upon which it depends, and how they relate to each other. Instead of trying to cobble together this data yourself, the SolarWinds Orion Platform automatically maps it out for you. AppStack can take the data from all these layers, correlate it, and give you a top-to-bottom structure of your application. This ability to navigate all the layers and pinpoint root cause is great when working across multiple teams, helping them avoid finger-pointing.


    There are times when you need more advanced performance troubleshooting tools for difficult problems. This is where the PerfStack dashboard comes in. PerfStack is a SolarWinds Orion Platform tool allowing you to drag and drop metrics to visually correlate data from multiple Orion Platform products into a single customized view. It’s a digital whiteboard, if you will. This can help you determine whether a change that’s been applied—a configuration update, for instance—has had a positive or negative impact on performance.


    The SolarWinds Orion Platform can now be deployed on-premises and in AWS or Azure cloud environments. Users must be on version 2019.4 or greater for this option. The following possibilities are supported:

    • Cloud (main SolarWinds Orion Platform server and database in the cloud)

    • Hybrid (additional polling engines in the cloud; main SolarWinds Orion Platform server and database on-premises).

    • Hybrid (main SolarWinds Orion Platform server and database in the cloud; additional polling engines on-premises).


    Several SolarWinds Orion Platform modules are capable of monitoring on-premises or SaaS-based applications and those on a cloud infrastructure. Similarly, SolarWinds Orion Platform modules can monitor on-premises and cloud-based infrastructure. Here are some examples:

    • SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor (SAM) can monitor AWS and Azure entities.

    • With the PerfStack dashboard, you can correlate time series data to discover system and application insights. Gather information from network, host, application, virtualization, and storage elements across all hybrid IT infrastructures and applications.

    • Use NetPath™ to monitor the entire network path to your cloud environment.

    • Monitor cloud-managed wireless controllers and access points.

    • Get agent-based, agentless, and API-sourced cloud infrastructure metrics.

    • Monitor performance for databases on AWS and Azure, including RDS and Aurora.


    Troubleshoot advanced network devices Networks today often contain complex hardware not well covered by standard monitoring tools. SolarWinds Network Insight™ in the Orion Platform—simplifies the management of complex network devices by providing the right information for each device’s unique role in the network.

    Here are some examples:

    • Help ensure service availability with health and performance monitoring for critical data center switches, such as Cisco Nexus®.

    • Get visibility into virtual port channels and virtual device context and manage thousands of interfaces more easily.

    • Automate the monitoring and management of your ASA firewall infrastructure in a single unified platform.

    • Easily monitor the connectivity of VPN tunnels and user VPN sessions.

    • Monitor every access list to detect or eliminate shadowed or redundant rules. Manage your entire application delivery environment with Network Insight for F5® BIG-IP® .

    • Visualize component relationships and dependencies and isolate service issues using one interface
