Sophos SG vs XG vs XGS: What’s the Difference Between Them?

Sophos SG vs XG vs XGS: What’s the Difference Between Them?


When it comes to cybersecurity, choosing the right firewall is like picking a superhero for your network. Well, Sophos is that cool kid on the block who comes with a lineup of firewalls that suit different needs. We're talking about the Sophos SG, XG, and the latest XGS series. It's like choosing between superheroes with different powers cause they all provide strong security and protection from unwanted threats. Let's break down these tech wonders so you can pick the one that suits your network fortress the best. 

Sophos SG: A Solid Foundation 

The Sophos SG series, equipped with UTM 9 firmware, has served businesses well for years. Although discontinued for new users, existing SG owners find them still serviceable. The SG and XG series share identical hardware, ensuring reliability in terms of CPU, RAM, memory, and ports. 

While the XG Firewall firmware on XG series brings frequent updates and a more modern operating system, the SG series remains a viable option. Notably, it's possible to install the XG Firewall firmware on SG hardware, allowing a seamless migration of licenses. 

Advantages of XG Firewall Firmware 

The XG Firewall firmware introduces technical advantages over the SG (UTM) operating system. Firewall rules are more granular and clearer, offering enhanced control over network security. The Log Viewer in the XG operating system stands out, providing a quick and easy way to check logs through the intuitive GUI. 

Additionally, the XG Firewall's Synchronized Security feature allows you to monitor applications running on all endpoints, offering a comprehensive view of your network's activities. If you currently own an SG appliance, the decision to upgrade may not be urgent, but the benefits of the XG Firewall firmware are worth considering. 

Sophos XGS: The Next Evolution 

Sophos has streamlined its flagship line, simplifying it to just Sophos Firewall. The XGS series takes center stage as the successor to the XG series, featuring a completely new hardware platform. What sets the XGS apart is its dual-processor architecture, combining a multi-core CPU with the innovative Xstream Flow processor for hardware acceleration. 

Key Features of XGS Series 

TLS 1.3 Inspection

In response to the increasing encryption of web traffic, the XGS series addresses the challenge with its speedy processors. This allows organizations to utilize SSL Inspection without compromising speed and efficiency. 

Deep Packet Inspection (DPI)

The XGS Firewall includes a fast DPI engine that scans traffic without relying on a proxy, reducing latency and speeding up the inspection process. This ensures effective blocking of the latest ransomware and breaches. 

Application Acceleration

Trusted application traffic can be directed to FastPath, optimizing performance. The Xstream Flow processor enhances the speed of SaaS, SD-WAN, VoIP, video, and other trusted cloud traffic. 

Better Connectivity

The XGS series offers a range of built-in and expandable connectivity options, providing more ports and connection options compared to the XG series. This enables better adaptability to sudden infrastructure changes. 

Performance Boost

With SFOS v18 firmware, the XGS series delivers a substantial performance increase compared to the XG series. The dual-processor architecture ensures up to three times better performance, making it a formidable choice for demanding environments. 

Choosing the Right Firewall for Your Needs 

The decision between SG, XG, and XGS depends on various factors, and understanding your specific requirements is crucial. Here's a brief guide to help you make an informed choice: 

Features Sophos SG Sophos XG Sophos XGS
Suitability Basic needs in small networks Most businesses seeking comprehensive security Demanding environments with top-notch performance
Cost-effectiveness Cost-effective, especially for compatible hardware Higher cost compared to SG, rich feature set Most expensive option, unparalleled speed and security
Technology Legacy technology may struggle with modern demands Improved performance over SG, advanced features Next-level performance with dual-processor architecture
Features Basic features Advanced features like SD-WAN, web filtering Advanced security features, top-notch performance


Choosing the right firewall depends on your organization's specific needs, budget, and performance requirements. While the SG series may be suitable for basic needs, the XG series offers a balance of reliability and features. The XGS series, representing the latest cybersecurity trends, is ideal for demanding environments that require top-notch performance and advanced security features. Consider your unique circumstances to make an informed decision for your cybersecurity strategy. 


Can I migrate from SG UTM to the new XG Firewall? 

Absolutely! If you're using Sophos SG UTM and have a valid license, you can switch to the new XG Firewall whenever you're ready. It's recommended to wait for the automated migration tools to ensure a smooth transition. Just be patient and make the switch when it's convenient for you. 

Will the new XG Firewall firmware run on my existing hardware or virtual environment? 

The new Sophos XG Firewall works well on all the same devices as the old SG UTM, including the hardware appliances and virtual environments that were compatible with UTM 9. However, it currently doesn't work on Amazon Web Services (AWS), but they're working on making it compatible with AWS and Azure cloud soon. 

If you have the older UTM Series or ASG Series hardware and want to switch to XG Firewall, you can discuss with your Sophos Partner about updating to the new XG Series. These new devices come with XG Firewall already installed and will be a good fit for your migration. 

How do I activate Sophos XGS license? 

Make sure you have the license key that Sophos sent you in the License Schedule. Click on your Profile icon and go to Licensing. Now, use the license key. If you see "Apply Activation Code," type in your key and click Apply. If there's an "Apply License Key" link, just click on it. 

Ending Notes 

Deciding through the Sophos firewall involves considering factors such as budget, network size, and security requirements. While the SG series remains serviceable, the XG and XGS series offer significant advancements in performance and features. Choose wisely based on your organization's unique needs, keeping in mind that the right firewall is your first line of defense against evolving cyber threats.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, reach out to Softech Store’s team of experts, who have extensive experience with the entire Sophos line of security and networking products.